Google Scholar Publication Links:
Malakasioti, A. Not just a book, Kalendis Publications, 2025 (children's concept book)
Kokkiou, C. and Malakasioti, A. Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture, Routledge, 2024 (collective volume)
Malakasioti, A., (2024) “The garden: a Topological View”, in Kokkiou, C. and Malakasioti, A. Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture, Routledge publications
Stelarc and Malakasioti, A., (2024) “ReWired, ReMixed, and ReImagined - An Interview with Stelarc”, in Kokkiou, C. and Malakasioti, A. Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture, Routledge publications
"A fallen dialogue: The creation of a soundscape in electronic poetry", 6th Conference on Acoustic Ecology, Film Department of the School of Fine Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Hellenic Society of Acoustic Ecology, 2021, in collaboration with Loufopoulos, A.
"Self:Nous:Space Visual and Textual Metaphors of Digital Experience", Art Machines 2, International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art, Tokyo, 2021
Participation of course abstracts in Audiovisual Arts Festival, AVARTS Ionian University, 2021
"Design Studios: For/Through/Within technological transcendencies", conference Uncommon Senses III: The Future of the Senses, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 6-9 May, 2021
"Digital Selfhood and its Mental Spatialities: Abstracts of Textual Constructs", Electronic Literature Conference 2021 ELO 2021 Conference and Festival: Platform (Post?) Pandemic, published on ELMCIP database, 2021
Interview on CityCampus abou the challenges of modern distance learning. On
"Digital Ghosts: 7 Critical Confessions of a Psyborg Mind", in Modified: Living as a cybernetic organism, Routledge, Chris Hables Gray, Heidi Figueroa Sarriera, Steven Mentor, editors
The poetics of melancholic space, Mov Skiouros Publications, Athens, 2020
"The art of Melancholy. Decoding Affective Spatialities in Videogame environments”, DCAC 2019, Digital Culture and Audiovisual Challenges, Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology, Corfu
Thessaloniki Design Week, showreel, course projects presentation - 05TT11, 2019
"Travelling Exhibition: Idea - Ancient Greek Science and Tchnology", 1st International Conference TMM_CH, Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, 2018, Eugenides Foundation, Athens
“Melancholic Architectures: The Case of Video Games”, Moving Images - Static Spaces. Architectures, Media, Film, Communication, Digital Art and Design”,Amps Conference, 2018, Istanbul
"Video game environments and depression: healing aspects of contemporary digital spaces", Health: The Design, Planning and Politics of How and Where We Live, Amps Conference, 2018, Bristol
“The identity of the Greek landscape in video games”, 2nd Panhellenic Place Marketing and Place Branding Conference, 2017, Larisa
"Dialogue 2 - The future of ambiances", 3rd International Congress on Ambiances, 2016, Volos
“Educating 20.000.000 urban planners: videogames as a multimodal educational tool for urban planning”, Greek Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Planning and Regional Development, 2015, Volos
“Electronic Game Environments and Educational Applications in Architecture”, symposium “Digital Media and Cultural Heritage”, 2015 Volos
“Double Cities - Rereading the real-life Metropolis behind the screen“, EURAU 14, Composite Cities, European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design, 2014, Istanbul
“The Urban Landscape in Video Games. Representations and Spatial Narratives”, International symposium “Multimedia databases as narrative mechanism”, 2013, Volos
Presentation of Research, 1st meeting of Doctoral research of the Polytechnic School, University of Thessaly, 2013
“CLOUDS. Urban Landscapes in Video Games – Representations and Spatial Narratives”, The Hybrid City II: Subtle rEvolutions, 2013, Athens
“Spatial Stimuli in Video Games. An Audio-Visual Breakdown.”, International Conference on Sound Spaces and Audiovisual Spaces: Creation, Representation and Design, 2013, Madrid
“Direct it- Arcade games as a qualitative urban weave”, EURAU 12, European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design, 2012, Porto
“Bajo la “Dirección” Videojuegos y Formación Arquitectónica”, AVANCA | CINEMA 2012 International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication, Avanca
“Symptomatic Architectures - Spatial aspects of digital experience”, ISEA Conference 2011, Istanbul
“Self-Spatialities of Gaming Experience”, 5th International conference on the Philosophy of Computer Games, 2011, Athens
“The Rendered Self - Disintegration and Synthesis in Cyberspace”, The Hybrid City Symposium, 2011, Athens
“Diagnosis of the virtual – mental phenomena of cyberspatial experience”, 8th Cyberspace Conference, 2010, Brno, Czech Republic
“Aspects of fragmentation and self-experience - Towards a dissection of the digital body”, Amber Conference “(un)Cyborgable” - Αmber Αrt and Technology Festival, 2009, Istanbul
“The ‘engineer’ Peter Rice and his contribution to 20th Century Architecture ”, National Interdisciplinary Conference on Constructions, 2007, Xanthi
“Alternatives to hospital facilities for senior citizens: A new challenge for design” 27th International UIA Public Health Seminar, The Future of Hospitals in the coming 25 years, 2007, Beiging
“Optical illusions at architectural objects”, Architecture & Phenomenology, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, I.I.T., 2007, Haifa.